Mount and blade warband mercenary
Mount and blade warband mercenary

mount and blade warband mercenary

Andals and sellswords helped to bring down House Greyiron in the Iron Islands. ĭuring the coming of the Andals to Westeros, some Andals were hired as mercenaries by First Men to fight their rivals, only to betray their patrons. Sellswords helped the Golden Empire of Yi Ti conquer Leng centuries ago. Island Mercenaries by Ian Kirkpatrick © Fantasy Flight Games Many ironborn, including Harwyn Hoare and Dalton Greyjoy, have worked as sellsails, as have Summer Islanders.

mount and blade warband mercenary

Sellsails such as Salladhor Saan may work as pirates or smugglers when not employed. SellsailĪ sellsail is a hired sailor who engages in naval battles for pay, including seaborne mercenaries and pirates.

mount and blade warband mercenary

While some refugees flee to a larger settlement when war sweeps over villages, others become freeriders for a better chance of being fed and thereby avoid becoming outlaws or broken men. Others are green, untrained recruits and farm boys who have nowhere else to go. Some freeriders are similar to hedge knights, only lacking knighthood. Freeriders are mostly used as scouts, outriders, foragers, and light cavalry. Most do not collect wages, instead fighting for plunder or a hope to be taken into a lord or knight's service. "Freerider" is a broad term, sometimes used to denote a mounted sellsword, but more often referring to other mounted fighters who are not part of a lord's retinue or feudal levy.

Mount and blade warband mercenary